1. 2020. "Exit Strategy: Career Concerns and Revolving Doors in Congress" (with Hye Young You). American Political Science Review. 114(1): 270-284. DOI:
2. 2020. "The Effect of Big City News on Rural America During the COVID-19 Pandemic." (with Eunji Kim and Joshua D. Clinton). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. . 117(36):22009-22014. DOI:
3. 2021. "The Politics of Locating Polling Places: Race and Partisanship in North Carolina Election Administration, 2008-2016" (with Joshua D. Clinton, Nicholas Eubank, and Adriane Fresh). Election Law Journal. 20(2): 155-177. DOI:
4. 2021. "Polling Place Changes and Political Participation: The Effect of Election Administration in North Carolina Presidential Elections, 2008-2016" (with Joshua D. Clinton, Nicholas Eubank, and Adriane Fresh). Political Science Research & Methods. 9(4)800-817. DOI:
5. 2022. "The Politics of Pain: Medicaid Expansion, the ACA, and the Opioid Epidemic." Journal of Public Policy. 42: 409-435. DOI:
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Assistant Professor - University of Texas at Austin